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About Step 1
In this step we cover all aspects of health, safety and welafare. Within the fitness industry it is vital to have underpinning knowledge on these subjects.
On a daily basis you are working with people, therefore you hold a responsibility for those people.
This unit enables you to be fully skilled enough to work within the environment with children, adults and those with disabilities.
We cover all up to date policies, procedures and laws throughout our assessments.
What you'll learn
Develop skills needed for Health, Safety and welfare within the fitness environment.
Learn vital laws and legislation.
Carry out risk assessments and method statements.
Develop written assessments and professional discussion with your assessor.
Cover methods of control, abuse and client safety.
Step 1 - Saturday-Sunday Course 10:00-14:00
February - 14th, 28
March - 12th, 26th
May - 14th, 21st
July - 16th, 30th
September - TBC
November - TBC
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